This type of model is mainly used to study the internal pore structure of the rock and the influence of pore filling on the rock properties. This type of model assumes an average internal stress in the rock and is suitable for static isotropy it can be used to constrain upper and lower limits of the model physical property parameters to improve the inversion accuracy, but it is difficult to apply to the inversion of physical property parameters in complex reservoirs (2) equivalent models based on self-adaptation, differentiation, and scattering theory, such as the Kuster-Toksoz (KT) model and Differential Equivalent Medium (DEM) model. The currently applicable rock physics models are mainly divided into three types: (1) equivalent volume-average models, such as the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) model and Hashin-Shtrikman (HS) model.
The physical properties of rock mainly depend on three aspects: the rock composition, the rock microstructure, and the thermodynamic environment in which it is located. Therefore, constructing a reasonable and accurate petrophysical model is the key to analyzing the reservoir structure and evaluating the total energy amount through seismic methods. It links the microscopic characteristics and macroscopic elastic properties of the rock pore structure. A petrophysical model is an equivalent model that describes the microscopic characteristics of rock.